Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Who am I and why should you care? Oh and how I review... that too.

Yosh everyone, I'm Rising Zan. Not to be confused with the samurai gunman.

I started this blog not to long ago, but have thought about it for a long time! My plans aren't to stop here on blog spot ooooooh no. I plan to go further and further till I PIERCE THROUGH THE INTERNET WITH MY XXX!!! Oops, sorry got a little carried away there. But yes, I plan to go much farther than just written reviews as I'm sure you know how entertaining those can get. I'll be doing video reviews... once I get money for a microphone and a video camera. Sorry, I'm broke. Go blame the cost of manga $9.00 for a Shonen Jump manga that's more than $8.00 for a Shonen Jump manga! But really in all reality, I do plan to do video reviews that are not only informative but actually entertaining, none of these boring and analytical reviews or these reviews were people say "I like this character alot cause she's pretty". No. I'll be funny, I'll be interesting and I will be THE OTAKING!!! Oops there I go again. But yeah, expect big things from me and I will not fail!

Oh I almost forgot, I need to explain how I review, silly me.

                                                                                                                                      First of all, I make a promise to do one review (whether it be written, video or voice recording) every month of something japanese/otaku related for the rest of my online career! If I hold back on that promise and I don't have a damn good excuse. I have to do something for you guys, something REALLY REALLY Awesome Possum!

First note that I won't always be reviewing entire series to keep away from spoilers. I will be doing full reviews of series... but that won't be until I acquire a camera and some really good editing skillz! So in normal reviews I will review as followed.

Anime= The first 3 episodes.
OVA= The whole thing
Manga=First 10 chapters
Game= 1 full-walkthrough of game
Food (wait i'm reviewing japanese food too?! Sweet!)= 1 unit of food. (A bag, a bowl, a serving ect.)
                                                                                                                                                      If there is anything you want to review that is japanese or Otaku related then suggest them. I will probably turn down music as everyone has their own tastes in that that I am not qualified to judge.
                                                                                                                                    Well, how I review is strange but hey that's me, and I feel it's more interesting that way. So first I give a little spiel in the beginning, catch your interest and explain the the basic synopsis of the subject at hand and then I officially begin the review by saying.

  Yeah, like that. And then I will proceed to cover the three basics Music, Art & Animation and Characters. Story, plot and voice acting will be covered in the characters section. OP's ED's OST's and anything musically related in the show will be covered in the music section, duh. And Art & Animation... anything that looks good or bad. 

Now I also give these sections a number grade from 1 to 10. And like Angry Joe or any other good reviewer I see it like this, 7 isn't average, 5 is average. Anything below 5 is below average and anything above 5 is above average. And then I review like this.

1/10 Absolute Crap
2/10 Quasi Crap
3/10 Bad
4/10 Bah! (Below Average)
5/10 Average
6/10 Meh (Above average)
7/10 Nice
8/10 Good
9/10 Great
10/10 Grandeur

I do have a place if I ever review something worthy of 0/10 but I don't think it will ever come to that.

                                                                                                                                 Also, I am planning to have a "Favorite character of the series" thing going on in my reviews. I will keep it brief but just as something for people to might look forward to. I won't fan boy completely (unless it's funny as hell) and will keep it interesting.

                                                                                                                                 There is one more thing that goes with the grades. I tend to add "!" to things I think deserve a little more than that, thing of a 5/10 Average! grade as a 5+ if you will like a D+ kind of. I also have "..." to things that I think just barely made the grade like a C-. So a grade like 9/10 Great... is what I mean. Easy enough right?

                                                                                                                                      Now the only thing you have to think about is my "Light system" it's easy. 
            Green Light= Thumbs Up. Go watch it! You will like it! At least give it a first try.
Yellow Light= Thumb is wavering. Some people like it, some won't. You make the final decision.
                                                                                                                                       Red Light= Thumbs DOWN! There is something better to watch/read/play than this. Go at your own peril.

Other than that... that's it!
OH! Well there is the overall grade but...  really that's more for me to keep track with future reviews. And it's a bottom line for the review. That's all that is.

So anyway, keep watching me. Because I will be going up in the internet. 

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